Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Katie's "It's a cold sunday night and I feel like an easy to make lentil soup" lentil soup

Nom nom nom nom

1x medium to large brown onion
3-4 cloves garlic
Oil for pan
Around 250 grams green lentils (or whatever lentils you want - these ones just cook faster)
whatever veges you wish - carrot, potatoes, courgette etc is good
2x tins of tomatoes
Vege stock
Shit-loads of cumin
Chilli (fresh or dry) to taste
Salt and pepa
Sliced fried chorizo (optional*)

Heat the oil in a really big pot and "fry off" onion and garlic (if you are using cumin seeds instead of powder than fry that shit off also).
Add your veges if you have them
Add your tomatoes and lentils then cover with roughly twice the amount of stock (water with stock cubes in it) and add seasonings.
Cover and go read/ make love/ watch so you think you can dance/ whatever
Come back 30 min to an hour later and your delicious soup should be done!!!

* makes it even more amazing than it already is

This soup also tastes even better the next day
